This website grew out of necessity. There are lots of people that buy cheap massage chairs from Craigslist, Ebay, and Amazon and then cannot find qualified technicians to fix them after they break. The main problem is these chairs are poorly made and don't last very long. After less than a year, many of these cheap chairs just stop working altogether. Then, when you try to get a hold of the company that sold them, they tell you that because they sold it to you so cheap, they do not offer any labor warranty so you have to fix it yourself.
What's worst is when you try searching for someone to fix your chair, it's hard to find someone who knows what they are doing. That's why we built this site because we want to train people in how to fix massage chairs. We also have a list of qualified technicians who know what they are doing so you don't have to do it yourself.
You or any technician can use this site to find guides on how to fix the most common massage chairs. We will be updating this site often to give you as many resources as possible to teach you how to make your chair work like it was brand new again.
To avoid all of the headaches of having to fix cheap chairs, don't buy poorly made ones. CLICK HERE to see a list of all the chairs that are well built and rarely break down.